Mirror offline HTML website with WGET

This is an example how to convert a website in STATIC HTML: wget –mirror –convert-links –adjust-extension –page-requisites –no-parent http://mywebsite.ca –mirror – Makes (among other things) the download recursive. –convert-links – convert all the links (also to stuff like CSS stylesheets) to relative, so it will be suitable for offline viewing. –adjust-extension – Adds suitable extensions … Read more

Autostart Virtualbox Machine

Edit the config file nano /etc/default/virtualbox Add the lines: VBOXAUTOSTART_DB=/etc/vboxVBOXAUTOSTART_CONFIG=/etc/vbox/autostart.cfg Fix permissions: chgrp vboxusers /etc/vboxchmod 1775 /etc/vbox Start and enable the service: systemctl start vboxautostart-servicesystemctl enable vboxautostart-service

Use RemoteBox on Ubuntu

Download RemoteBox wget http://remotebox.knobgoblin.org.uk/downloads/RemoteBox-2.6.tar.bz2 Ensure the required dependencies are installed as follows: apt-get install libgtk2-perl libsoap-lite-perl freerdp-x11 tigervnc-viewer To launch RemoteBox, unpack the previously downloaded RemoteBox tarball and run the ‘remotebox’ executable. vboxweb-service need to be installed and active on the target server. The following article describe how to install a Headless Server on CentOS … Read more