10 Ways to transform PDFs in Online Publications

The purpose of this article is to explore solutions that allow us to transform Adobe PDF files into a page turning digital book or magazine. The main features that we are looking are: multi-platform: desktop, tablet, mobile etc. page-turning or flipping feature Without being exhaustive, here is a list of the most popular solutions for … Read more

Categories Web

cPanel not starting with Internal Server Error – fix

The problem: All websites are down with Internal Server Error 500 Symptoms: Cpanel wasn’t loading with the following error: Internal Server Error 500 Can’t fork: Cannot allocate memory at /usr/local/cpanel/Cpanel/SafeRun/InOut.pm line 40. cpsrvd/ Server at hostname.example.com How I fixed it? First of all I was trying to increase this limit by searching for “Max cPanel … Read more

How to sync Microsoft Outlook with Google Calendar and other CalDav Calendars

For this purpose we need to use Outlook CalDav Synchronizer. Here are the features and description from developer: Free Outlook Plugin, which synchronizes events, tasks and contacts between Outlook and Google, SOGo, Horde or any other CalDAV or CardDAV server. Supported Outlook versions are 2016, 2013, 2010 and 2007. Features: free and open-source software (FOSS), … Read more



Categories Web

IPP and Airprint shared printer on CentOS Linux

yum install cups -y yum install foomatic* -y yum install avahi avahi-tools -y systemctl enable cups systemctl enable avahi-daemon systemctl start cups systemctl start avahi-daemon after each change in configuration, restart both of them using systemctl restart cups systemctl restart avahi-daemon lynx localhost:631  – allow from remote, then from your computer go to prinserver:631 and … Read more


yum -y install acpid systemctl start acpid systemctl enable acpid

Handbrake Recipe

Again, a personal recipe, no questions asked WORKFLOW: profile ipad + CBR 2000 double pas anamorphic none 1280×720 @2000 Join files: Create a list.txt with the following content: file ‘c:\TEST\1.mp4’ file ‘c:\TEST\2.mp4’ file ‘c:\TEST\3.mp4’ Run in CLI: ffmpeg -f concat -i list.txt -codec copy out.mkv mov > mp4 vlc not play in wmp

CentOS 7 root password reset

If we have a CentOS 7 or Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL 7) with a selinux in enforced mode, the password resetting procedure need to be modified. From the Grub menu type “e” in order to edit the default menu item. Find the line that starts with “linux16”. At the end of this line append … Read more

Reduce raster effect from old photo

This is a internal recipe, not a tutorial. Scan at 9600 dpi (to enlarge a small photo) Rotate the photo with 180 degree and scan again. Place the second scan in another layer in Photoshop. Rotate the second layer with 180 degree. Use align layers function with 50% opacity of the top layer. Flatten the … Read more